Jessica O'Neill

Jessica O'Neill


About my project

During the past 2 years on this course, my skills as an artist have expanded massively, and I wanted to use this opportunity to really push myself for this final project. Previously I have forced myself beyond my creative comfort zone by using new software and techniques to create work. I have also become more comfortable using the Adobe Suite, which I previously only used alternatives that are more familiar.

For this project, I looked at comics that inspire me, why they inspire me, what makes them so successful, from illustration to colour to merchandising. I explored Marvel Comic art as a whole to show how it has influenced other media that has used it as source material, and how it has affected pop culture on a larger scale.

I created a 30 page Art book based on the Women of Marvel Comics. The project gave me the opportunity to try out many different styles of art spread across different mediums. I work both traditionally and digitally to create artwork for my book and digitally mocked up my final outcome.

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