Emily Nicol

Emily Nicol

My name is Emily, I’m 16 years of age and I have many varied interests those include my passion for playing video games. I also enjoy playing musical instruments such as the keyboard, violin and flute. I also like to socialise with friends and family. I attended Greenbank High School from 2015-2020. I am planning on going to university to continue to learn about games design.


About my game

My art is a Victorian asylum theme and is based around a point and click style horror game. For the software I just use Autodesk Sketchbook I made the concept art and finial initial designs with the idea of a historical accrete version of the late 1800s and the early 1900s. For the art style I wanted to combine At Dead of Night and Bad Dream Coma with realism and sketch like style.

At dead of night inspired the look, and the point and click game gave me the idea to make the graphics for one. At Dead of Night is set in a hotel that Is old themed while a deranged person is after the protagonist Maya. The graphics combines both in game engine and real life. Another game is Outlast with the camera and how everything looks not to mention that it is set in an asylum. Bad Dream Coma is another point and click game with puzzles and dark themes scattered among the game. The graphics are simplistic but detailed enough for giving a sketch book feel.

Play: Unhinged

Emily's Blog

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