Jude Kelly-Whitfield

Jude Kelly-Whitfield

I’m originally from Seattle, Washington, United States of America and moved over to the United Kingdom in August 2014, were I attended Merchant Taylors up until 2019 and decided to go to Southport College to meet new people and learn more about the process of making games.

After college I plan on either attending University of Brighton to get a BSc in Digital Game Development or continuing to do the HND Games Design course here at Southport College, followed by potentially starting my own indie studio with a few friends.

Code Red

About my game

What inspired me to create a game environment for a naval game was that when I started the course back in 2019, the first game I created involved the navy and I wanted to make my final project symbolic by finishing college with the same type of game I started with. I was also inspired by my own culture as being a dual American-British citizen the navy holds an important place in my heart as I find the massive warships impressive to look at.

When creating the game environment, I was using Unity and Maya 3D to create it, however I had created multiple level designs to follow during the process. I also created the 3D model of the ships that appear within the game as I came across an issue with a few premade models that I originally intended to use as they were not compatible.