When you enrol at Southport College, if you have identified a learning difficulty and/or a disability, the Learning Support Team will contact you to discuss how to support you appropriately. Where applicable, the Learning Support Team can also gather evidence in order to apply for extra time, readers, scribes etc for exams.
All identified students who disclose a support need are individually interviewed to assess their needs and the level/type of support or tutoring required. We also regularly review all students receiving support to ensure the correct and most appropriate support is being provided.
The Learning Support Manager is situated in the Learning Support Transition Suite which provides a timeout space and quiet working area for identified students. The room also hosts meetings for groups such as the Snack & Chat Social Communication Club and LGBTQ+.
The Learning Support Team can help you with:
- Learning support in and out of class
- Support for specific learning difficulties
- Care workers
- Emotional/behavioural support
- Communication support
- Snack & Chat Social Communication Group
- The transition to College from alternative education providers
- The transition to College following homeschooling
Meet our Learning Support Team

Contact our Learning Support Team
Everything you need to know
How do I tell Southport College about my Learning Support needs?
When you complete the Southport College application form you will be asked to state any support needs. After you have submitted your form, we will contact you to discuss your needs. You can also amend or declare support needs as you enrol for your chosen course. You can also contact us at any time during the application process.
What help can you give to students?
The Learning Support Team can offer you a wide range of support services including learning support in and out of class, care workers, emotional/behavioural support, communication support, transition from alternative education providers or homeschooling, LGBT+ support and support for specific learning difficulties.
What is your Local Offer information?
It is legal requirement for us to develop and maintain a Local Offer of services for children and young people with special educational needs. Our Local Offer Information provides information about what additional support Southport College can offer to students.

Personal Support
Our aim is to ensure every student reaches their potential with us and we have staff available for any individual who may need support and care. Students can access counselling and personal support during their time with us.

Financial Support
At Southport College we have a range of financial support packages designed to help meet a range of cost associated with studying including bursaries, travel passes, help with kit and uniforms and childcare support.

Careers Advice & Guidance
Through our Student Information Centre, our Progress Tutors and Library Learning Centres students have access to a wide range of careers advice and information as well as assistance with UCAS personal statements, CVs and job applications.