More than 3 miles away
Students aged 16-18 who live more than 3 miles^ away from Southport College are eligible for a travel pass for bus or train (or travel funds where necessary).
You will still need to apply for this using the Pay My Student Portal, and although the pass is guaranteed if you live more than 3 miles^ away from the college, we do need formal confirmation of parental income. This is so that we can allocate the pass from the correct funding stream.
Between 1 and 2.9 miles away
Students aged 16-18 who live between 1 and 2.9 miles^ away from the College may still be eligible for a free travel pass but are means tested to assess their eligibility. Please apply using the Pay My Student Portal, so that we can also assess what other help you may be entitled to.
^It is College policy to assess eligibility by measuring the shortest walking distance using Google Maps.
PayMyStudent FAQs
How do I logon to Pay My Student?
This can be accessed using the link in the Student Portal or via
How do I apply for a travel pass?
Apply via PaymyStudent using the online application form which covers all aspects of student funding including travel passes, bursaries and free meals.
Please logon using
I’m applying for a travel pass and I live more than 3 miles from College which means my pass is guaranteed - why do you need details of my household income?
We need to take details of household income so that your travel pass is charged to the correct funding stream and that College comply with government funding guidelines.
I don’t know my student number or my student number isn’t recognised?
Please log on using the “No Student Number?” option. You should be issued with a temporary ID enabling you to progress your application – you will need to use the temporary number beginning “TMP” when logging on to complete an application.
I’ve uploaded my documents to the system – do I also need to take paper copies into College?
We will get in touch if we need to see paper copies of your documents. The main reason for this is if the documents were “chopped” when photographed so are missing information. Please ensure that the images are complete before you upload them to your application.
Do I need a photo for my travel pass?
For a Trio Card or Rail pass (not a simple bus pass) you will need to provide 1 passport sized photograph that you need to bring into college and have stamped before you can collect your pass from the train station.
Financial Support at College
At Southport College we have a range of financial support packages designed to help meet various costs associated with studying. Suppport can include bursaries, free meals and help with the costs of kit and uniforms or childcare.
Financial SupportThe Student Hub
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Term Time
Monday 8.15am – 5.00pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 8.15am- 7.00pm
Friday 8.15am – 4.00pm
Outside Term Time
Monday to Thursday 8.30am – 5pm
Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm

Learning Support
If you have identified a learning difficulty and/or a disability, the Learning Support Team will contact you to discuss how to support you appropriately. Identified students who disclose a support need are individually interviewed to assess their needs and the level/type of support or tutoring required.

Personal Support
Our aim is to ensure every student reaches their potential with us and we have staff available for any individual who may need support and care. Students can access both counselling and personal support during their time with us.

Careers Advice & Guidance
Through our Student Information Centre, our Progress Tutors and Library Learning Centres, students have access to a wide range of careers advice and information as well as assistance with UCAS personal statements, CVs and job applications.